Fort Augustus
Follow the Master

Matt Hulse, Scotland, 2009, 75 mins, Uncertificated (recommended Cert U)

Screening at: Dores, Tue 4th August, 6:30pm   |   Nairn, Sun 9th August 2pm

Still from the movieHow do you mark the death of your granddad? Edinburgh based filmmaker trickster Matt Hulse walked 100 miles with his girlfriend Lucy and his dog Tippy. He played the ukulele a lot, sometimes wore his granddad’s bowler hat, and flew a kite in the buff. At the Wooda arts residency, he edited the material, composed a Haiku for Jade Goody, mused about death and Johnny Morris, and wrote this:

“Figuring out where the film might sit on an imaginary scale between these two extremes – the films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky at one end & ITV’s crappy compendium of slapstick home videos You’ve Been Framed at the other. Yes, it is entirely possible for one person to maintain affection for & appreciation of both. (Watching them simultaneously would be quite fun, too). Those who know my work will not be surprised by the chosen extremes on my imaginary scale.”

Whilst we strongly disagree that You’ve Been Framed is crappy, we love the fact that we are showing this the first feature film by a great, wide-eyed Arcadian, and that Tippy the dog will come to the screening! Matt’s bare bum appears in the movie, but we’ve all got bums, so we think even five year olds will love this movie!

» Watch some clips from this film

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